TMZ? Puuleeeze! New Search Engine Crawls Hot Gossip

TMZ? Puuleeeze! New Search Engine Crawls Hot Gossip

OneRiot, a search engine introduced last year that crawls social network sites – Facebook, Twitter, and Digg, among others, finds hot links that people are pointing to from these sites.

The site touts itself as a search engine for “the news, stories and videos people are buzzing about right now.”

From their “about” page: “Hi, we’re OneRiot – a social search engine that finds the pulse of the web.

“Like other search engines, we keep a running record of the contents of the Internet. However, unlike other search engines, we prioritize that information based on its current popularity with our community. This makes OneRiot’s search results relevant, fresh, friendly, and pulsing with the real-time energy of the web.”