Jobs to Google: Geek Off!

Earlier this week, Steve Jobs “ripped” Google Android as  “fragmented”.

Wait for it.


Stay with me for a second here.

Jobs went on a five minute rant in which he “developed” the idea that because the Android market was neither homogeneous nor monopolized, it was not open source.  On the contrary, that is the very definition of an open source approach.  He also gave a shoutout to “Twitterdeck” (which is old guy slang for Tweetdeck) saying they had to use like, a kajillion different approaches when working with the ‘droid market, and that they talked to him about it, which turned out to be a total lie.  Furthermore, he characterized the Apple market as being totally open source, and the room as being drafty, both of which are untrue.  Creating a channel through which all development flows isn’t open source, it’s actually the opposite, and the reason a term like “open source” even exists. I get it, no-one cares, but you guys! Seriously! Sacrificing functionality for ease of use is bad y’all!  It narrows the realm of the possible into rigidly controlled structures which behoove profiteers and those who would use our power ( or apathy towards it) for evi… wait, I just got a tweet.