Aaron Wall SEO Book

For the SEO DIYer, we thought we would pass along a quick review of the Aaron Wall SEO Book. This book is a must-have, in our opinion, for anyone that owns or maintains a web site. The tips and tricks contained in the book are some of the best-kept secrets in the industry, and while Wall does divulge trade secrets, he minces no words when explaining that serious business owners would be better off hiring an SEO expert to accomplish the tricks he shares since good SEO requires daily monitoring, tweaking, some coding, and (especially for a link-building campaign) time and correspondence via phone, email or both to third-party business/site owners.

Like buying a book on medical surgeries and procedures to better understand an upcoming operation, Wall doesn’t provide the tips in order to encourage business owners to try to tackle their SEO themselves, but rather with the hope that business owners better understand the labor we SEO experts pour into each new project. As far as we’re concerned, the Aaron Wall SEO Book gets two enthusiastic thumbs up!