Many companies have discovered they don’t need to hire an outside SEO/Digital Marketing agency. The reason for this is:
- A company is large enough that it has its own marketing staff, and employees that could be guided in the right direction, or
- A company is of medium size, and ONE or TWO employees that could be guided in the right direction, or
- A company is of small size, the owner can buy out enough time to be guided in the right direction
Regardless of the size of YOUR company, it would be best if you met with a Google, BING and Facebook accredited professional, just to give you a one-off training on your ENTIRE digital marketing endeavor:
- SEM (and PPC)
- Email Marketing
- Mobile Marketing
- IP Targeting
Agencies based locally in the U.S. will cost you anywhere from $900 to $20,000/month. Our personal, local, in-person training at YOUR location is designed to help YOU take control of your own SEO and digital marketing, for a one-time fee of $150*.
Schedule your in-person training now.
*SMT charges $150/hour for training.